Secrets Features That Should Matter When Buying A Cordless Drill

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The problem with buying most cordless drills is that people forget about the features or specs that matter when purchasing one. Yes, it should look good and match their toolbox but don’t let appearances fool one into thinking it’s a great product. Most people are so impressed by how well the drills look that they don’t bother to read the box and see impact driver guide for cordless combi drills.

Battery life

When buying a cordless drill, it is important to know how long its battery lasts. The battery life of a drill depends on the power of the motor and the size of the battery. A more powerful motor will burn through batteries quickly, while a bigger battery will last longer but might weigh down their drill too much. The average price range for a cordless drill that can adequately complete most tasks is between $60 and $125. If one is looking for a cheap cordless drill, try to find one at the lower end of this range, while if one wants a professional quality tool, one should be prepared to pay at least $100.

Inside this range, the battery life differences are relatively small. For example, if one compares a $100 drill with a $30 drill, the more expensive one will usually have a battery that lasts 10 percent longer. The main thing to remember is that lithium-ion batteries are better than nickel-based batteries. However, lithium-ion batteries also cost more, so it’s important to decide what features are most important when buying their new cordless drill.

The number of RPMs      

As one might know, RPM stands for “rotations per minute”; it’s a measure of how fast the drill can revolve. The higher this number is, the faster the drill will move its screw orbit. In general, more RPMs mean more speed, but there are caveats to this. If one has a small job and doesn’t need to cut through much material (wood, concrete, etc.), then one doesn’t need as many RPMs. For example, if one’s building chairs out of lumber, then slower speeds will work just fine. But if one needs to bore into concrete or other hard surfaces, then higher speeds will be necessary and see impact driver guide for cordless combi drills.

A key thing to remember is that while more RPMs are good in general, they use up more battery power and shorten the battery’s life faster. So if one’s doing something where speed isn’t so important (e.g., driving screws into the wood), it makes sense to go with a tool with fewer RPMs because it will last longer on one charge.

Switch type and placement

The first thing to look at is the trigger placement and the switch. The trigger is the main control for operating the drill, and then switching on the side is what one uses to turn it on and off. The most comfortable position for their hand while holding a drill is in a position where one does not have to twist their wrist or move their fingers very much. There are two main types of cordless drill switches: momentary and toggle. 

A momentary switch means that when one pushes it, the drill will run until one let go of it; one either keeps pushing it or lets go. A toggle switch reverses directions when one pushes it again after releasing it. The toggle switch is generally considered better because it is easier to control and more convenient for most people’s purposes. Still, many people prefer the momentary switch because they hold down the trigger all the time anyway, and if they don’t have to release it before pushing again, they can keep going longer without changing their grip on the drill.